
10 Nov 2021 Home Blog Press Release

Infrastructure and Projects Authority - Project Routemap Document Released

The Infrastructure and Projects Authority, the United Kingdom government's centre of expertise for infrastructure and major projects have now released their Product Routemap document.  Project Routemap is the IPA’s support tool for novel or complex major projects. It helps sponsors and clients...

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22 Oct 2021 Home, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA, NxtGen Blog Press Release

Climate Emergency Action Planning: Guidance for asset owning organisations

The scale of the climate and environment challenge we face is recognised by most organisations, but how do we tackle the challenge of developing robust action plans in asset management? Read our latest guidance, which demonstrates how the existing approach to developing and implementing Asset Manage

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08 Oct 2021 Home Blog Press Release

IAM Elections 2021 - Results Announced

We are pleased to announce the results of the 2021 Council and Board of Management Elections. Voting took place until 24 September, and the results were verified and adopted during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Institute of Asset Management, held of 28 September 2021.

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01 Oct 2021 Home, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, USA, NxtGen Press Release

Implementing and Improving a Management System for Asset Management - Guidance released

The IAM is proud to announce the release of our latest guidance document - Implementing and Improving a Management System for Asset Management

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30 Sep 2021 Home Press Release

Developing and maintaining a Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) 2021 revision

The IAM is proud to announce the revision and release of our Developing and maintaining a Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) guidance document...

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20 Sep 2021 Netherlands, Home Awards

Inschrijving IAM NL Awards 2021 geopend

Na een succesvolle eerste editie in 2020 gaan we, ondanks dat we nog midden in de coronacrisis zitten, de IAM Awards 2021 uitreiken. De uitreiking zal plaatsvinden op een thema evenement in november van dit jaar.

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